Monday, April 6, 2015

My Heart and other Black Holes

Photo by Ashley Sillies18336965.jpg

by Jasmine Warga

This past Friday, April 3, 2015, Marcy and I posted our answers to Jasmine’s debut novel, My Heart and other Black Holes. Today, you get to read Jasmine’s favorite's. 

Great picks, Jasmine! You’ve given us even more insight into the thoughts and motivations of your characters.           

1) What is your favorite line or paragraph from the novel as it relates to the main character's development and/or growth?

Hopefully this isn't too much of a spoiler, but I've always been partial to this paragraph as I think it shows how Aysel's view of the world may be starting to change: 

"I once read in my physics book that the universe begs to be observed, that energy travels and transfers when people pay attention. Maybe that’s what love really boils down to—having someone who cares enough to pay attention so that you’re encouraged to travel and transfer, to make your potential energy spark into kinetic energy. Maybe all anyone ever needs is for someone to notice them, to observe them."

2) What is your favorite chapter ending or cliffhanger?

Chapter endings are tough! But I've always liked the one at the end of the carnival scene as I think it captures the escalating tension of Aysel's changing feelings towards Roman pretty well: 

"He squeezes my hand so tight, I can’t feel it anymore. I wish someone would do that to my heart."

3) Who is your favorite secondary character and why?

This one is actually easy for me! Mike, Aysel's little brother, is by far my favorite secondary character. I think it may be because I have my own little brother and I loosely modeled Aysel's feelings towards Mike after my own feelings, and so I'm pretty sentimental towards this character. I always really love Roman's mom as she has such a generous and big heart.

4) What is your favorite line or paragraph of description?

Hm. This is tricky, but I'll go with this description of the old playground, which is a spot Aysel and Roman end up at more than once: 

"I see the playground on the left side of the street. The “old playground” apparently consists of a rusted swing set, a cracked basketball court complete with a metal chain basket, and three rotting picnic tables. It looks like it used to have a sandbox, but at some point, I guess, the sand got replaced with gravel. Soda cans and plastic potato-chip bags are littered across the muddy grass. In some ways, the playground feels more like a graveyard. Like it’s a decrepit testament to faded memories, better times. Maybe that’s why FrozenRobot likes it so much."

5) What is your favorite line of dialogue?

I don't know if this was always my favorite, but lots of readers have pulled it out and made really gorgeous fan art of it, so now I'm very partial to when Roman says to Aysel, "You're like a gray sky. You're beautiful, even though you don't want to be."

And congratulations on news of Paramount making the book into a movie. Way to go!!! We can’t wait for our readers to read the book and check out the movie after it’s made!

To read more about Jasmine Warga’s My Heart and other Black Holes debut novel please go to:

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