Friday, September 26, 2014

Durham Reads Together 2014 -- MARCH: BOOK ONE

By Susan Chapek

Every two years, the Durham (North Carolina) County Library sponsors Durham Reads Together. Its slogan: One Month, One Book, One Community.

This October, Durham will read and celebrate the graphic novel MARCH: BOOK ONE.

In 1958, a comic book ("Martin Luther King and the Montgomery Story") inspired John Lewis, an Alabama sharecropper's son, to make his own commitment to civil rights through nonviolent activism. 

Now Congressman John Lewis tells his own remarkable story through the same dramatic medium, collaborating with writer Andrew Aydin and popular graphic novelist/artist Nate Powell. Read more about the book here.

During the month of October, Durham Reads Together will stage a remarkable series of discussions, films and art showings related to the American evolution story told in MARCH.

From the Durham County Library web site: Durham Reads Together strengthens the community through a biennial celebration of reading. Reading the same book, and attending programs around its theme, inspires the Durham community to discuss important issues, including race, family, identity, faith, education, culture, music and visual art.

(In previous DRT programs, the community has read memoirs by James McBride and Dr. Paul Austin, narrative nonfiction by Darcy Frey, and fiction by popular North Carolina novelist Margaret Maron.)

MARCH: BOOK ONE is the first volume of a graphic trilogy. BOOK TWO is on pre-order and will be available early in 2015.

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