Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I get by with a little help from my friends...or, a little example of how networking really works!

During this holiday season when I think about how thankful I am for my friends, one writing friend in particular comes to mind.  This past summer, my critique group buddy Dave Amaditz came across a blog mentioning the second annual Greenhouse Literary Funny Prize.  He forwarded it to me. Long story short, I submitted something funny and won a prize! Not first prize, but an honorable mention, which entailed receiving a personal letter (unheard of in the publishing world!) and six funny books published by Greenhouse Literary.  I never would have heard of this contest had it not been for Dave.  If you are an unagented writer of funny stuff; picture books, middle grade or even YA, I encourage you to enter in 2014- I believe the competition opens up around February or March - you may have to check the Greenhouse Literary website for more details.  My only other advice is to keep on sharing - we need to support one another in this wacky writing business, a frustrating business but for the wonderfully helpful company we keep!

Submitted by Andrea Perry

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the shout-out, Andrea. The award is so well deserved - and a first place finish wouldn't have surprised me.
