Friday, November 8, 2013

Are you invited to Linda Sue Park's Party?

Guess who's having a party? Not a dinosaur, pirate or zombie amazingly enough! Xander is the only panda bear in the zoo, and so as he compiles an invitation list to a party he includes all of the other bears.  However, Koala Bear informs Xander that she is not so much a bear as a marsupial and wonders, will she still be welcome? 
     "Xander fetched some more bamboo.  He wasn't sure what he should do.  He chewed a slew of      new bamboo; he nibbled, gnawed and thought things through."
Xander then changes the invitation to include all mammals.  Can you see where this gentle rhyme is going? Soon birds and reptiles cannot be excluded either.  Then right before the party starts there is a new arrival...will Xander know what to do?
This delightful tale of inclusion doesn't hit you over the head with its message, but lovingly shows Xander's dilemma and solution.  In addition, the author's note at the end of the book includes information about the panda's habitat and panda research as well as some taxonomic classification notes.  Panda lovers and party planners too will love what happens with Xander at the zoo.

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