Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A Dollar For Your Thoughts

     As a writer, I have always been curious about the way people communicate with one another. Once upon a time I was intrigued by bathroom stall messages, flyover airplane banner marriage proposals, and vehicular rear window obituaries.  Most recently, however, I have been surprised by viewing correspondence on dollar bills I have intercepted with information clearly not meant for me. Does 'dollar-billing' now rank up there with tweeting and texting?
I am not referring to wheresgeorge.com, where you can track US or Canadian dollars as they travel back and forth across the country by typing in the bill's serial number and your zipcode. Those bills have the 'wheresgeorge.com' stamp.  I am in fact referring to the following handwritten greetings, salutation, lists, inquiries and observations:


   Your the worst waitress ever

      Love one another as I have loved you

         Bacon, butter, milk, cheerios, oj

           My first cashed paycheck ever

             Call me? 555-1212 (I have not included the actual phone number)

.......and my personal favorite:

Jimmy, am paying your parking ticket for the last time with this   (so if the writer is paying the ticket with the money, how will Jimmy ever know???)

I thought that old-fashioned hand-written correspondence was dead.  It seems some stationery has just been replaced with paper currency.  But I have enjoyed these little glimpses.  Just wish I knew where that waitress was working so I can order my all-you-can-eat crab legs somewhere else.

Submitted by Andrea Perry, not on a dollar bill

1 comment:

  1. I loved this post. It reminded me to pay attention and notice things--those are the details that end up making your story a real one.
