Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Case of Mistaken Identity

As a lover of books, the library has been my favorite destination since I was a young girl growing up in New York City. I still can't believe my good fortune at being a published author whose books are now in libraries across the country. Since the publication of my first art activity book (The Little Hands Art Book) I've visited many libraries doing craft workshops. These visits have allowed me to see kids making a craft from one of my books. Most recently I was planning a trip back to NYC and decided to contact a branch of the New York City Public Library. I offered to do a craft with some of the local children, including my three year old granddaughter and a few of her preschool friends. Well in advance I contacted the children's librarian in charge of author visits and we discussed craft supplies and publicity. She said she'd take care of the flyer and I filled her in on what I planned to do. In case you don't recognize her, that's a photo of Judy Blume and not me on the flyer! I'm still not sure how the mistake was made, but I must say it provided me with lots of laughs and wishes that I could be as successful an author as Judy Blume! So even if you've yet to publish a book, the library is still a wonderful place to volunteer and offer to give a talk on a topic you have expertise in. Just make sure they have your correct picture on the flyer!


  1. This is funny, in a quirky kind of least you got to be Judy Blume for awhile...if only on a flyer. I hope that you totally enjoyed your moment of fame!

  2. How do you measure success in this biz? One smile at a time, I'll bet--whenever a kid shows off a craft you inspired.

    But you've sold thousands of books, Judy Press--probably tens of thousands. I consider you the Judy Blume of Rt19!
