Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Easy Reader: Not So Easy to Write by Judy Press

The weather today is hot and sunny. A surprisingly warm and muggy day considering summer is still a few days off.  Maybe it's the heat but somehow I've gotten into my head to work on an easy reader. Here's what I've found; these books are not easy to write (or get published!) Below are a few tips if you do attempt to write one. 

-Easy Readers are generally 32 to 64 pages long and range from 200 to 1,500 words. 
-The story is told mainly through action and dialogue in gramatically simple sentences, typically one idea per sentence.
-The books average two to five sentences per page in lower levels, going up to a paragraph or two per page or two per page for older readers. 

Leveled Readers:

Level 1- Emergent Reader: 24-32 pages, 20-100 words, controlled vocabulary, repeated words, picture clues, predictable patterns. 

Level 2-Progressing Reader: 32 pages, 100-300 words, longer sentences, simple dialogue, more in depth plat, non-fiction and fiction.

Level 3- Transitional Reader: 32-48 pages, 300-500 words, controlled vocabulary, multi-sylabble and compound words, more dialogue, different POVs, more chapters, more complex story lines, great range of genres

Level 4-Fluent Reader-48 pages, 500-900 words, controlled vocabulary, more advanced vocabulary, detailed and descriptive text, complex story structure, in-depth plot and character development, full range of genres, table of content.

Beginning Readers come after Level 4 and Early Chapter Books come before Chapter Books. 

note: Controlled vocabulary usually refers to words on the Dolch Sight Word List (