Friday, May 25, 2012

Exercise Daily and Keep Physically Fit; to Improve Your Writing?


Dave Amaditz
You don't have to look far to see reports about the latest health craze sweeping the nation. Whether it's broadcast on late-night infomercials or seen on the nightly news, the message remains the same. Doing a physical routine will help you live longer, help your heart stay stronger, keep away those unwanted pounds, prevent or delay the onset of diabetes and on and on and on.

Honestly, I don't think it's a bunch of flub. It's hard to ignore the advice and recommendations of trained physicians as well as research-based data. More than that, it's my own personal experience, the powerful positive feelings I get, and always achieved, from physical activity.

I believe in having a daily workout routine. That's not to say, however, there haven't been periods in my life where I have gotten a little lax. Reflecting on those times is more proof to me of the power of being fit. I didn't have energy. I didn't like the way I felt. I didn't feel like doing much. My mood was negatively affected.

Before I broke my neck in a diving accident (July 3, 1983) I ran somewhere between three to five miles a day. One of the first things I remember when waking from surgery was being asked a question from the on-duty nurse.

 "Are you a runner?"

 I nodded, a bit confused, because I didn't consider myself a runner, just someone who enjoyed running. The point here however is that had I not been in such good shape, I was told I wouldn't have made it. In fact, the on-duty nurse told me they were ready to write me off. She told me they couldn't find a pulse, but eventually found a faint trace and became very hopeful when that sound became a consistent 38 beats per minute. My heart had been trained to withstand stress because of the running. My running, my physical conditioning saved my life.

Fast forward nearly 30 years... Well... Maybe 28 years. I was in one of those stages of my life where exercise wasn't a priority. Thinking back on it now, I was suffering through the same negative effects I'd mentioned above... Loss of energy. Feeling weaker. Blah. Blah. Blah.

I began again to exercise, not the same activities done before to keep in shape, but others tailored more specifically to me as I sit in a wheelchair. One year later, I'm again feeling the positive effects from maintaining a regular exercise routine.

And how, you may ask, does all this apply to writing?

Having more energy has translated into more time that I sit in front of the computer. More time in front of the computer means I write more. I feel more alert, which means I'm writing more effectively. When I write more effectively the results are; writing more on a daily basis, coming up with more creative ideas (often times when I'm away from the computer exercising), meeting goals more consistently... And on and on and on.

No. I don't think the benefits of exercise have been exaggerated.

If you're not already on an exercise program I hope you soon begin. See if you experience similar results as I did. Then, let me know.

If you're already exercising regularly and find that you are experiencing, or have experienced some of the same positive results as I have, keep it up, and of course, let me know.

I'm willing to bet that by giving a regular exercise routine to try you will not only feel better, but have better writing results.


  1. Fantastic post, Dave! Exercising really helps me, too, if I'm stuck in a chapter--it clears the cobwebs!

  2. Thanks for your comment, Annie. I knew I couldn't be the only one out there who noticed a difference.

  3. Ah, Dave, you are so right. And I need to do better there, so you've inspired me to be more regular in my exercise!

  4. Okay, Cynthia. Now you need to let me know when you've begun your exercise routine... because it is more effective to exercise regularly.

  5. I've also been trying to follow recent recommendations that we push the keyboard away for five minutes every hour and move around. It's good for the eyes as well as the bod.

  6. An excellent tip as well, Susan. It prevents getting a sore neck and shoulders, not to mention stretching the lower back.
