Friday, April 20, 2012

Author! Author

by Judy Press

Several years ago I gave a lecture about creativity to a group of teachers. I started my talk by telling them about the time I met with the super-successful mystery writer Sue Grafton (“A” is for Alibi, “B” is for Burglar, etc. etc.) I had gone to our local bookstore to have her autograph my copy of her latest book. I waited in line and when my turn came I asked her a question about the schedule she keeps and the discipline she must have to write so many books. She graciously answered my questions and then she asked me if I was also a writer. At that time my first book THE LITTLE HANDS ART BOOK (Williamson Publishing Co.) had just been released.

I told her about my book and how proud my husband and four children were of my accomplishment. “Well, isn’t it wonderful to be known as a writer and to have an identity separate from being a mom,” she responded. A short time after my meeting with Sue Grafton our local newspaper called me and asked to do an interview about my book. I gladly accepted the opportunity to get the word out. When the newspaper arrived several days later I anxiously turned to the section where the article was to appear.

It began as follows: A Mount Lebanon mother of four has published a book…. Here’s a quick and easy craft to enjoy with your kids!

Playful Puppy Puppet

Here’s what you need: Child safety scissors Construction paper Paper lunch bag (white or brown) Wiggly eyes (caution: supervise with very young children) Pom-pom Marker Here’s what you do: 1. Cut out the puppy’s ears, paws, and tail from the construction paper. Fold under the corners of the flap of the bag. Glue the paws onto the front of the bag. Glue the tail onto the back of the bag. 2. Glue on the puppy’s wiggly eyes and pom-pom nose. Use the marker to draw the puppy’s spots.

1 comment:

  1. *I have the Little Hands Art Book! It's been years since I've looked at it (my kids are teens now), but that name rang a bell. When I looked on my shelves, there it was! Loved that book!
