Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Where to find indie MGs and YAs: the Indelibles and the Indie Elite

Poe's Indie Ebook Sampler, #8

The Web being a Wilderness, it's natural for wandering writers to form tribes and gather in villages. From thence they can more efficiently supply themselves with nourishment, fellowship, fame and fortune.

Therefore Poe was hardly surprised, while tracking Beautiful Demons through the Intertubes for a recent column, to learn that its author dwells in one such tribe. Sarra Cannon and two dozen fellow indie MG and YA authors have founded a brand new village--that is to say, blog. "Hoping to leave a mark on MG and YA readers," they call themselves The Indelibles.

Their savvy blog opened a month ago. Visit soon to browse their long list of titles, and learn about In His Eyes, the short story collection they will collectively e-publish for Valentine's Day.

From The Indelibles, it's only two hops to another new indie community on the Web, the Indie Elite. The nine Elite authors write YA and MG mystery, thriller, and paranormal romance.

Poe promises to review Indie Elite Eisley Jacobs' MG series, Dragons Forever, in an upcoming Sampler.

It would take weeks for Poe to sample all of the paranormals and fantasies the authors on these two blogs have published. It must suffice, for the moment, to point to the blogs themselves as fruitful browsing ground for the indie ebook lover.

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