Monday, July 4, 2011

Red, White & BLUE

by Marcy Collier

Happy Independence Day!

I have spent most of the holiday weekend (28 hours and counting) putting down hardwood floor in my family room. When our family moved in eight years ago, almost every room contained some shade of blue. From the bright, blue carpet in the family room to the striped blue wallpaper in the kitchen to the blue linoleum in the bathroom. Not that I have anything against blue, but when you buy a home, you want the décor to reflect your tastes, not the previous homeowners.

This long and timely job reminds me a bit about writing and how we all have to persevere to get the job done.

Every writer starts with a blank screen that you have to fill with words. After my husband and I ripped out all of the blue carpeting, padding and thousands of staples, we had a blank floor space.

Those first few pages and chapters are daunting, just like the first few rows of laying hardwood. But then you get in to a rhythm. You can go faster. Finding the right words just as piecing together the correct sizes and shades of wood becomes a little easier.

But then you might find a snag: Some splintered pieces of wood or a major plot problem. Those without the drive might give up. Many do. But if you give up, you’ll have a half finished floor or a half finished manuscript.

You’ll have other problems along the way. Maybe you’ll smash your thumb or realize your main character sounds flat. You're romantic subplot isn't working. But with practice and perseverance, you’ll fix the problems.

Every one of you has a unique style and voice. Use it in your home improvement projects and when you write, and you will be sure to have success.

And if you're looking for a fun craft to do with your kids this holiday, try making this patriotic wind song.

Have a safe and fun fourth of July!

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