Monday, July 25, 2011


This letter is addressed to the main character in my upcoming series of early chapter books:

Dear Ben,

     I thought long and hard about writing this letter to you. However, the events of last week made me realize that the relationship we’ve had over these past six years is about to change and we need to come to an understanding that will be beneficial to both of us.
     Last week I received a phone call from a prominent publisher. It came out of the blue and I must admit I was quite taken aback. This publisher is planning to send me a contract for a total of four books. Of course you are going to be featured as the title character, no problem there. And I know you will continue to be a shining example to other authors of how a main character moves the plot forward, shows learning or growth, and is changed by the events of the story.
     You and I know we’ve had some rocky times together (just ask my writer’s group!) There were the times I cast you aside and said there’s no way you’d ever get published. And how about all those changes I made to the plot? I was constantly tinkering and fixing, revising and editing. I know it drove everyone crazy. But I did stick with you. I was loyal to your character to the very end. I embraced all your little quirks and foibles and never changed who you are: a third grade kid with a talent for doodling and a knack for getting into trouble.
     So here is the heart-wrenching problem you and I must face together. When I sign the contract you will become the property of the publisher. Yes, that’s right. We will legally be divorced. They can market and promote you in any way they feel is necessary to boost sales. They even suggested turning you into an app for an I Pad!
     Ben, I’m so torn my heart is breaking in a million pieces. Yes, the excitement and prestige of finally getting my fiction published is amazing. But to give up control of you is tearing me apart.
     So I’m writing this letter with the hope that you’ll understand I have to do what any struggling writer would do. I’m going to sign on the dotted line and trust that the publisher will take care of you with the same love and devotion I’ve shown you all these years.

All my love,

1 comment:

  1. It's hard to let go of your baby. Just like when your kid goes on his first sleepover or away to camp. I know that Ben is in very good hands with this publisher, and I can't wait to watch him grow in the series. Congrats again!
