Thursday, February 3, 2011

One more thing I love: Kitty and her wonderful book!

Fellow Route 19 contributor, Kitty Griffin, is a fabulous writer. (And an even more wonderful person, though that may be hard to believe if you are familiar with her books). And I forgot to mention in my post yesterday that she's had some good news recently about her latest picture book, The Ride: The Legend of Betsy Dowdy, gorgeously illustrated by Marjorie Priceman. It was selected as a Notable Book by a committee of reviewers from the National Council of Social Studies and the Children's Book Council! Here are the selection criteria:
"The selection committee looks for books that emphasize human relations, represent a diversity of groups and are sensitive to a broad range of cultural experiences, present an original theme or a fresh slant on a traditional topic, are easily readable and of high literary quality, and have a pleasing format and, when appropriate, illustrations that enrich the text."
A very good description of Kitty's book - but if you want to read further about it, check out the spot-on review on this library review blog. (I love this blog by Tasha Saecker at the Menasha Public Library - it's always a good place for me to get recommendations about new titles to read and buy).

One last thing: one of the things I like best about Kitty is her work ethic and determination. I'm not sure there is anyone around who works harder than she does. Like Betsy Dowdy, the heroine in her book, she is undaunted by obstacles and finds her own way to make save the day. Criticism? Rejection? Insanely tough market? She never gives up. She doesn't cry. Or throw tantrums. Or curl up in a little ball. Which are what I usually feel like doing. She just redoubles her efforts and tries again, making her work better and stronger. Something to remember.

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