Thursday, February 24, 2011

Butt in Chair, etc.

by Carol Herder

I’m going to write about something I’ve come to love only recently; one of my writing processes. If you’re a writer you’ve heard the acronym BIC. It means butt in chair. And, most of the time that’s what it takes to get the job done. However, since my dog came to live with us I’ve learned another way.

When Brutus was young, he was wild. So I began walking him daily to expel some of that puppy energy. At first I had to watch the little monster every minute less he escape and get hopelessly lost, but these days he pretty much stays with me.

Our favorite place to walk is the apple orchard. It’s peaceful and allows my thoughts stray. Here, when I talk to myself only Brutus, the squirrels, chipmunks, deer, and the fox that lives near the creek can hear. It doesn’t seem to bother them. The hawk that hunts the field below the orchard is bothered at times. But I don’t stay long and she soon settles back onto her favorite perch.

In the quiet of the orchard I’ve worked out tricky plot twists, contentious dialogue, and a number of scandalous scenes for my novels. This process came to me by accident, but it’s worked so well, I now SCHEDULE what I’m going to ponder during my next walk! Of course I still have to do the BIC thing afterwards.

Because of this experience I’ve learned something of great value; creativity comes in numerous forms. So here’s to whatever works! Another famous writers’ saying is “your process is your process” something I can now totally vouch for.

Busy Novelist Spaghetti

1. Giant Eagle frozen meatballs
2. Pasta (boxed or stuffed tortellini from the fridge section)
3. Prego spaghetti sauce
4. Pillsbury Italian bread in a can

Heat sauce and meatballs in pan. Heat water for pasta. Heat oven for bread. Cook and bake everything per directions; and serve!

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