Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Greetings...or How I Blew My 2010 Resolutions

It’s the New Year and resolutions abound. Most people resolve to make life changes in the coming year that will lead to success and personal satisfaction. My resolutions last year addressed weight loss (just ten pounds-I am a realist after all) and a desire to become better organized and a more proficient writer. That said, here’s why I failed to transform myself into a size eight J.K. Rowling in 2010:

Resolution #1 Lose weight
I blame my lack of willpower on: cookie table recipes (thanks a lot Rt. 19 Writers,) stress, as in no response from the agent who said she wanted to see the rest of my manuscript and hasn’t gotten back to me yet (you know who you are if you happen to be reading this blog,) over thirty inches of snow last February (stuck indoors thinking I should move to a warm weather state and raiding the ‘fridge for inspiration as to which state it should be) and last but not least my lack of will power which must have some genetic component that I’m not responsible for.

Resolution #2 Organize my stuff
It was never done. Here’s why: my husband (who’s uber-organized) suggested in my spare time (ha-ha) maybe I could organize a collection of old family slides by year, month, day and occasion. The slides are still sitting in cardboard bags on the top shelf of my closet. And as for my art supply closet, which houses all the goodies I use to create the crafts for my art activity books (mountains of toilet paper tubes, piles of brown paper lunch bags, construction paper, markers, glue sticks, scissors, fabric scraps, etc.) well, check out the pictures below to see how much progress I made over the last twelve months. 

Resolution #3 Write more
O.K. maybe I came close to succeeding on this one. After all, I did write my blog entry in the month of December (not sure if that counts.) And I pulled out a manuscript that had been rejected fourteen times seven years ago in the hopes of breathing new life into it (or maybe hoping the editors who passed on it passed on.)

Resolution #4 
I can’t even remember what this one was but I probably failed at it anyway.

Here’s the bright side: It’s a new year and although I’ve made the same resolutions as last year, I’m hopeful that 2011 will bring a slimmer me, a contract for a new book, organized family slides, good health and the continued support and camaraderie of my friends at Rt. 19 Writers. Happy New Year to you and yours!

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